City and Church History

Birmingham is a city whose growth and prosperity arose with the industrial revolution. This was a period of invention and innovation. No surprise that in such changing times the city should adopt the phrase 'forward' as its motto. There is also a great spiritual heritage in the city arising from the work of some great church leaders such as Rev. George Dawson, in the 19th century to, Bishop John Sentamu, the city’s first black bishop. The city has produced innovators in other areas such as industry and the arts, such as, George Cadbury, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Joseph Chamberlain, all inspired by their faith in God.
So, although we are a small suburban church, we are part of a bigger picture, an unfolding story. If you visit us, we hope that you will find inspiration and discover the truth of God's love for you; and find your place in the story of our times.
Our church has been worshipping God, and serving the community in Great Barr, Birmingham, since 1947. However, God is very much with us in the present day.
Our church brings together people from diverse age groups and backgrounds. We are all on a spiritual journey. At Beeches that journey has led us to discover God's real love for us, revealed in the Christian Gospel. We hope that you will join us and discover God's love for yourself.
Background Information
Beeches Evangelical Church (BEC) is an independent evangelical church. Beeches was originally established in 1938 as a Brethren Church by Dr David Clifford. The current church meets in a building opened in 1970, and from which the activities of the church are based. The church is autonomous in relation to its governance and so does not look to outside authority to direct its activities or appoint its Ministers. Primarily the leadership team look to the Scripture for guidance and authority in all matters concerning the church. However, as a church we align ourselves with other like-minded churches and church organizations which share a commitment to evangelical theology, and the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Church Structure
BEC has a leadership team made up of Elders and Deacons. The Elders are the spiritual leaders of the church, called by God to that role. They are responsible for overseeing church activity, for the pastoral care of those associated with the church, teaching, and the proclamation of the Gospel. The church Elders are supported in their role by deacons, appointed to provide practical support to the Elders in the running of the church. The church leaders have accountability to the wider church via the Annual Church Meeting; here major decisions will be discussed and prayed about, and the church accounts are published.